Choosing an In-Person or Online Tutor

COVID-19 has forced many to recognize that online tutoring can be a highly effective educational format. As a hybrid team on the forefront of this educational shift, we also recognize that some students still have compelling reasons to choose an in-person tutor. 


Choosing an In-Person vs. Online Tutor  

As we venture into the fall, students seeking support on standardized tests, college essays, or in other academic arenas must make the decision between online and in-person tutoring. For many, this choice is a question of personal preference, as vaccinations, mask-wearing, and social distancing help mitigate the potential for COVID-19 transmission. 

But what type of student is best suited for online tutoring? What about in-person tutoring? North Avenue’s team of expert tutors are trained to provide an exceptional experience in both formats, so let’s focus on what types of students may benefit the most from each.

In-Person Tutoring Benefits 

In-person tutoring is the tried-and-true method. Meeting with a tutor for one-on-one support has been a scholastic practice since the ancient Greeks, and its efficacy is undeniable. We find that in-person tutoring is most effective for students who prefer extra accountability and support that comes from face-to-face interaction. Some students find it’s easier to shirk responsibilities or arrive less prepared if they are “just meeting over Zoom.” 

Additionally, in-person tutoring appeals to students who connect best with others through physical presence. These could be students with autism, who depend on social-emotional cues delivered by posture, body language, and tone of voice. Or they could be kinesthetic learners, who tend to process information by doing, moving, and demonstrating. In-person tutoring is essential for the student who needs to stand up to solve a problem on the whiteboard or take a quick jumping-jack break with their tutor to get back into a focusing headspace for the remainder of a session.  

Online  Tutoring Benefits

Although online tutoring is a relatively new pedagogical format, our expert tutors are able to deliver sessions online that are equally as effective and personalized as in-person instruction. 

We find that the students who get the most out of online tutoring are often very independent. Those who thrive in the online environment tend to have busy schedules and enjoy the flexibility of being able to meet their tutor on their own time. This flexibility can be beneficial to students who live in multiple locations or travel frequently for extracurricular activities. Moreover, our internal research finds that online tutoring suits verbal and auditory learners better than it does kinesthetic (or tactile) learners, as the primary activities pursued in online tutoring are reading, writing, and listening. 

From a health perspective, online tutoring is an excellent option for immunocompromised individuals, or those who live with high-risk family members. While vaccinations, social distancing, and sanitization procedures largely mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission, there are some for whom taking that risk is not feasible. And finally, for students who do not live in or near one of our office locations, or for those who might lack consistent transportation, online tutoring would be the better fit.  

Are In-Person and Online Tutoring Equally Effective?

Many families come to us wondering if in-person and online tutoring are in fact equally effective educational formats. 

Our team of tutors is dedicated to providing excellent educational experiences, regardless of whether your student will be meeting in person or via our preferred online platform, Zoom. With the help of iPads, styluses, and cutting-edge annotation software, our online tutoring sessions recreate the experience of watching your instructor work on a physical whiteboard. Our curated resource library means that when you’re meeting online, worksheets, practice tests, and other documents are only a click away. Finally, Zoom’s chat and screen-sharing functions enable the same degree of student collaboration that would occur in person. As a result of these technological solutions and our unique tutoring process, our online sessions rival in-person instruction in terms of flexibility and seamless access to information. 

When making your own decision about in-person or online tutoring, it may be helpful to ask yourself: historically in which format have I (or my student) learned at their best? Regardless of the answer, our tutors will meet you there. 

We hope that his post has helped you identify which type of tutoring would be the best fit for you or your student. The comments above are general recommendations and guidelines – If you have more specific questions or desire to craft a custom approach for your child, feel free to reach out to our team.


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