Managing Math Anxiety

I have lost count of the number of students who have told me that they find math to be “painful”.

For many people, math is a source of serious anxiety. Whether they are studying for a test in school or gearing up for the math sections of the SAT or ACT, scads of students experience a sense of dread at the prospect of solving difficult math problems. 

In fact, research from the University of Chicago suggests that for some students, this pain may be quite literal. In an article in the science journal Plos One, professors Ian Lyons and Sian Beilock suggest that for students with high levels of math anxiety, the anticipation of performing math may actually lead to experiences identical with physical pain. In their study, Lyons and Beilock identified individuals who experience high levels of math anxiety. Then, using sophisticated sensors, the professors measured the neural responses of these individuals when they were asked to solve difficult math problems. When the test subjects were faced with a challenging problem, the scientists saw a significant increase in neural activity in areas of the brain associated with processing physical pain. Moreover, individuals with higher levels of anxiety experienced greater increases in this activity.

Interestingly, it was not the actual act of doing the math that triggered the pain reaction; rather, it was the anticipation of doing the math.

Lyons and Beilock reasoned that given the physically painful reactions that it triggers, it was only natural that these high-math-anxiety individuals would take steps to avoid math. They even went as far to hypothesize that these feelings of physical pain can turn students “away from taking math classes or even entire math-related career paths.”

But don’t despair! The takeaway here is that math itself is not painful. If it’s the anticipation, not the arithmetic, that causes pain, then getting started is the biggest hurdle. Here are a few proven techniques our tutors use to help students manage their anxious thoughts about doing math:

  • Develop a Process: Every student thinks differently – one student’s method for tackling geometry questions may not work for another. Develop an individualized learning plan to build confidence in math.

  • Learn Test-Taking Strategies: Difficult SAT and ACT math questions can be intimidating for anyone. By learning math-specific strategies, such as plugging in numbers, testing answer choices, and making effective use of a calculator, students can reduce associated anxiety.

  • Simulate the Testing Environment: Rigorous practice on real test questions is one of the best ways to reinforce test strategies and overcome anxiety.

Learning math is rarely fun, especially for students who experience math anxiety. Having a comprehensive plan of attack and working with an experienced and compassionate tutor can make math literally less painful.


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