North Avenue Education
News, Insights, & Study Tips

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How to Balance Studying, Work, & Self-Care During Finals Week

You’ve made it to college! The orientation is complete, the first semester is wrapping up and the weeks are inching closer and closer towards finals week. Suddenly, you have multiple exams (some on the same day) and you are in multi-hour-long study sessions. You are tired, hungry, exhausted and stressed – and there is laundry to do, a room to clean, and a shift at work to show up to. How do you do it all without burning out? 

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Study Skills North Avenue Education . Study Skills North Avenue Education .

What Does an Executive Function Coach do?

“Executive function” has been percolating in education circles for a while, having first emerged from neuropsychological research in the 1970s (e.g., Barkley, et al.) focused on the pre-frontal cortex. It has since morphed into a term with myriad meanings and uses, often tied to early childhood development. In this article, we’ll break down what executive functioning is, then examine what an executive function coach does. Let’s start with what executive functioning is.

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