Unlocking the Benefits of ACT's My Answer Key

This blog post serves as a one-stop guide to help students, families, and counselors understand what ACT’s My Answer Key includes, who can access it, why it’s such a powerful study tool, and how to order it – step by step.


At North Avenue Education, we understand that effective test preparation is rooted in insightful self-assessment. The ACT's recently renamed My Answer Key – formerly known as the Test Information Release (TIR) - offers students a rare and valuable opportunity: a detailed look behind the curtain at exactly how they performed on the ACT.

What Is ACT's My Answer Key?

My Answer Key is a post-test service offered by the ACT organization. It provides students with a complete breakdown of their multiple-choice test, including:

  • A digital copy of the exact test questions you faced

  • A scanned copy of your own answer sheet

  • The official ACT answer key

  • The raw-to-scaled score conversion chart used for that test administration

If you took the optional Writing Test, you'll also receive:

  • A copy of the specific writing prompt

  • The ACT’s scoring rubric

  • Your essay scores with an explanation of the scoring breakdown

This bundle transforms the ACT from a black-box experience into a deeply instructive review tool, allowing students to revisit their thinking, identify mistakes, and plan smarter for future test dates.

Availability and Eligibility

My Answer Key is not available for every ACT administration. It is only offered on specific national test dates, and only for tests taken on a Saturday at a national test center (not school-day tests or Sunday tests with accommodations).

For the 2024–2025 testing year, My Answer Key will be available for the following ACT dates:

  • September 2024: Available for order until March 14, 2025

  • December 2024: Available for order until June 14, 2025

  • February 2025: Available for order until August 8, 2025

Students have up to six months after the test date to purchase this service. However, we recommend ordering it during test registration if you know you’ll want the feedback.

Why Utilize My Answer Key?

Many students walk away from a standardized test like the ACT with a hazy sense of how they did, what went wrong, and where they can improve. That’s where My Answer Key becomes a game-changer.

Here’s how students can use it to supercharge their ACT test prep:

Pinpoint Specific Weaknesses

By comparing your marked answers with the correct ones, you’ll be able to spot clear patterns—whether it’s misinterpreting science passages, struggling with punctuation rules, or running out of time on math.

This is far more powerful than general “area scores” or percentiles. It shows exactly what went wrong and where.

Diagnose Thinking Errors

Seeing your exact answer choices allows you to evaluate why you chose incorrect answers. Was it a rushed guess? A misread question? A conceptual misunderstanding?

This reflection is critical for breaking bad habits and developing test-taking strategies that stick.

Guide a Retake Strategy

If you're planning to take the ACT again (which many students do), My Answer Key lets you turn your previous test into a personalized study guide. We’ve seen students improve their composite scores by 2–6 points after reviewing My Answer Key and targeting the right skills.

Enable Smart Tutoring

When students share their My Answer Key materials with our ACT tutors at North Avenue, we can get laser-focused with instruction. We can spot trends (e.g., common distractors in Reading, consistent algebra errors in Math) and build lesson plans that respond directly to what a student needs most.

Learn from the Real Test

Unlike practice tests, which can vary in difficulty and content, My Answer Key reflects an official test that counted. This makes it the most authentic review material available.

How to Order My Answer Key

Navigating ACT’s student portal – MyACT.org – can be frustrating, especially since the user interface changes so often that any advice on the internet tends to be outdated. Here's how to make sure you get access to My Answer Key materials without getting lost in the system.

If You Haven’t Taken Your Test

  1. Log in to MyACT.org.

  2. Begin the test registration process.

  3. When prompted with optional services, look for My Answer Key and add it to your order (it may still be referred to as “Test Information Release” in some places).

  4. Proceed with registration and payment as usual.

    1. Pro tip: If you’re registering for a test date that isn’t eligible for My Answer Key, this option won’t appear.

If You’ve Already Taken your Test

  1. Log in to MyACT.org using the credentials you used to register.

  2. On your dashboard, look for the test date you want materials from.

  3. Click on “View Scores” for that test.

  4. Scroll to see if the option to purchase My Answer Key is available (sometimes still labeled “TIR”).

  5. If the option is there, follow the link to purchase the materials using a credit or debit card.

    1. Digital versions of My Answer Key materials are typically available about 2–3 weeks after your scores are released.

    2. Once available, the materials can be found in the Documents or Score Details section of your account.

If you experience issues, ACT's customer service can be reached at 319/337-1270.

How Much Does It Cost?

As of this writing, the My Answer Key package currently costs $32.00 (subject to change). While it’s an added expense, it’s one of the best investments you can make if you plan to take the ACT more than once.

Final Thoughts

At North Avenue Education, we emphasize mastery, not memorization. We help students take ownership of their learning journeys – and tools like My Answer Key make that possible.

When students and tutors work together to analyze real test questions, reflect on performance, and build a smarter prep plan, the results speak for themselves: improved scores, increased confidence, and reduced test anxiety.

If you’re preparing for the ACT, we strongly encourage you to take advantage of this service. And if you’d like help reviewing your My Answer Key materials or crafting a retake plan, our experienced tutors are here to guide you every step of the way.

Ready to Get Started?

Book a free consultation with a North Avenue Program Advisor to discuss your ACT goals and how to make the most of My Answer Key in a personalized tutoring plan.


ACT Checklist: What to Bring for Test Day (Paper and Online)