North Avenue Education
News, Insights, & Study Tips

Tutor Spotlight North Avenue Education . Tutor Spotlight North Avenue Education .

Tutor Spotlight: Chris Pratt

With over a decade of experience tutoring and a wide range of mathematics coursework under his belt, Chris prides himself in helping students bridge the gap between rote memorization and authentic mastery. He offers personalized support for his students, whether they’re preparing for the SAT or ACT, or strengthening their math skills.

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College Test Prep North Avenue Education . College Test Prep North Avenue Education .

How to Interpret your PSAT Score Report

The College Board provides a sample PSAT score report, which is a helpful way to become familiar with the different components of your score. Each report begins with a cover page, including the student’s name, high school, and other identifying information. But the second page is where the real information begins..

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Study Skills North Avenue Education . Study Skills North Avenue Education .

How to Study for a Language Final

The turn of the new year is an exciting time. Holiday break provides a perfect and necessary opportunity to relax, unwind, and begin the new year with refreshed energy and motivation. Nevertheless, many schools’ schedules coincide so that early into the new year midterm, or even final exams, loom. Although you may still have a couple weeks before these exams are upon you, it’s critical to begin the studying process now in order to fully retain the substantial amount of material that you’ll be tested on. You don’t want to find yourself at the end of break realizing you have barely reviewed.

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Writing Coaching North Avenue Education . Writing Coaching North Avenue Education .

How to Write a Standout Private School Application Essay

The first thing to know about writing a winning private school application essay is that yes, you can do it! This application component might seem daunting, but considering two critical strategies can shift your student’s perspective and evade writer’s block.

With that said, grades and SSAT (or HSPT) test scores are important, but the personal essay is your student’s best opportunity to demonstrate maturity, intellectual curiosity, and a unique perspective. Here is where a strong voice and a vision make them memorable!

How does your student write this fantastic essay? They need to tell their own story with their own voice. Here’s how.

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Study Skills North Avenue Education . Study Skills North Avenue Education .

How to Leverage Your Homework Profile

Too often homework emphasizes the wrong aspects of learning, like rote memorization and mechanical intake, and not what matters most about learning: process, experimentation, and iterative improvement. But what happens if we think of homework as process? Homework becomes an opportunity to cultivate study skills that help us become motivated, self-directed learners.

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Study Skills North Avenue Education . Study Skills North Avenue Education .

Essential Study Skills: Preparing for a New Semester

The beginning of the year is a great time to reflect, reassess – what worked, or didn’t? – and plan for the new academic year. While it’s infeasible to plan for every contingency, it is helpful to install a few keystone strategies in place to effectively focus, manage time, and study well.

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College Essays North Avenue Education . College Essays North Avenue Education .

The Weight of the College Essay

The contemporary college admissions landscape is treacherous. Schools are reporting record application numbers since test-optional policies have gone mainstream, yet the number of available seats remains constant. There aren’t many things seniors can control at this point in the application process, considering GPAs are nearly finalized and suddenly joining four new extracurricular activities is bound to raise red flags for admissions committees. The college essay, though, is the one piece that still needs to be added to the enormous puzzle of lists and numbers that composes your academic portfolio.

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SSAT & HSPT Prep North Avenue Education . SSAT & HSPT Prep North Avenue Education .

Does Your Student Need to Take the HSPT or SSAT?

Students hoping to attend private middle or high schools will likely need to take either the High School Placement Test (HSPT) or the Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT). The HSPT should be taken by students applying to local Catholic high schools, while the SSAT should be taken by middle and high school students applying to independent private schools, such as Oregon Episcopal School (OES).

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College Test Prep North Avenue Education . College Test Prep North Avenue Education .

College Board Drops New Specs on Digital SAT

College Board is taking seriously the role of students as primary users, and the Digital SAT represents a massive effort to make the test more user-friendly. If this effort is successful, the number of test-takers annually will increase, rather than decrease (as predicted by test-optional proponents), which may make deciding not to submit test scores harder to justify for many students.

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