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Register below for our upcoming webinar.
Understanding Your PSAT & PreACT Scores
After taking the PSAT or PreACT, many students glance at their score report and move on. But those students miss out on a key benefit: the opportunity to critically assess one’s college preparedness and learn from past mistakes.
Join expert test prep tutor Aidan Sigman to learn the following, plus more SAT- and ACT-related tips:
how to read your PSAT or PreACT score reports;
the National Merit Scholarship process;
key differences between the SAT, and ACT;
how to prepare for the changes to ACT in 2025; and
free resources to improve.
We hope to see you there! If you can’t make it live, sign up anyway and we’ll send you the recording and presenter slides.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
5:30-6:30PM (PST)
Online via Zoom