2022 AP Exams to be Paper-and-Pencil

After two years of digital testing, the College Board announced that AP Exams in 2022 will be administered in their original hard-copy format.

In a dramatic shift intended to adapt to pandemic-related concerns, the testing agency offered digital AP Exams in the springs of 2020 and 2021. (The tests were offered in an abbreviated form in 2020 to acknowledge instructional challenges posed by widespread school closures.) But according to a brief statement on their website, the exams will return to full-length paper-and-pencil format. 

College Board announced an intention to monitor public health conditions and change course if needed. For instance, if widespread school closures occur in Spring 2022, they will host a digital AP format similar to prior years. Because this situation has the potential to change rapidly, stay tuned for updates.

Switching back to a paper-and-pencil format is a significant change, especially since many prep materials via AP Central and Khan Academy are now offered exclusively digitally. If you would like assistance with making the transition as seamless as possible, reach out to our team of expert tutors – we’d be more than happy to help.


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