Build healthy academic habits for a lifetime of success.

It’s time to start studying smarter. Developing a robust set of foundational skills will help you perform better in every subject, this year and beyond. 

Academic Tutoring

Our Study Skills Program

Every student has untapped potential and will benefit from advancing their study habits. Successful students are focused, resourceful, and self-sufficient. Each of these important academic skills is linked to a set of cognitive processes called executive function.

Executive function skills develop at varying rates and aren’t considered fully developed until we’re in our mid-20s. Working alongside one of our knowledgeable executive function coaches, you will identify and work toward goals while cultivating underdeveloped study skills and improving executive function. With a well-rounded arsenal of techniques at your disposal, more confidently take on any scenario – from preparing for and taking tests to staying organized and on top of assignments.

Our EF coaches have worked with students at all levels, from middle school through college, helping them navigate their way to academic independence. Merging our collective expertise, we assembled the ultimate North Avenue Guide to Study Skills, a comprehensive workbook given to each student at the start of their study skills program. This workbook will act as a roadmap throughout your coaching engagement and will be an indispensable reference for the remainder of your education.

Preview our proprietary study skills workbook.

What to Expect from a Session

Each student’s needs and experience will vary, but all benefit from support in the following ways:

  1. Checking grades, maintaining a planner, and organizing materials

  2. Breaking down projects and setting realistic deadlines

  3. Identifying and cultivating habits to support stated goals

  4. Developing greater self-awareness and psychological insight

 Sample Session

Watch Our EF Coaching In Action

In this 5-minute session preview, our study skills coach supports a student with a lesson about studying on task. They begin by checking in about the week. From there, our coach launches into a lesson with interactive activities to practice during the session and independently.

EF Skills Covered

Building A Foundation


Working Smart


Goal SettingTime ManagementNote-takingResilience
Problem SolvingDeveloping a SystemClass ParticipationGoing the Extra Mile
Self-careKeeping a PlannerPreparing for Tests & ExamsCommunication & Self-Advocacy
MotivationHealthy Habits around Devices
The North Avenue Guide to Study Skills (ebook)

An innovative, research-based approach to motivation and academic preparedness, written and compiled by our team of expert tutors.

Included with enrollment in 1:1 study skills & EF coaching.

I wanted to thank you so much for mentoring Alec. He is so fortunate to have you as part of his learning team.
— David S.

Ready? Let’s connect you with an expert tutor.

Study skills are the set of executive functioning skills that directly influence a student’s performance in an academic setting. They include planning & organizing, staying motivated, paying attention, setting achievable goals, retaining information, adaptable thinking, and self-monitoring & self-control.

It is normal to have areas in need of further development, as every child gains these skills at their own pace. In some cases, severe stress or learning differences, such as ADHD, can inhibit or delay executive function development as a whole. Working with an executive functioning coach can help all students strengthen their abilities and build a more robust foundation of study skills.

Have questions? Contact us for additional insight.

What is executive functioning?

Executive functioning skills enable us to carry out fundamental tasks in everyday life, like making a schedule or completing a project. These learned skills develop throughout childhood from daily interactions and activities at home and at school.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Executive functioning (EF) coaching is concerned with foundational study skills — it helps create better students, regardless of the subject. Subject tutoring involves specific help within a subject area. If the step up to Algebra 2 has been tough and your student just can’t get a handle on complex numbers, then subject tutoring would help. But if they can’t ever find their Algebra 2 notes, or simply don’t know how to take effective notes at all, EF coaching is a better fit. In other words, EF coaching is for all-around study skills and learning habits.

  • Every student benefits from developing their study skills, since we all have weaknesses in our academic profile, but we often work with students at two different stages in their development. Some are getting a handle on fundamentals, learning to use a planner, take notes, manage time, and work independently. More experienced students, on the other hand, are aiming for peak performance. They might spend a lot of time studying, but need to learn how to study more efficiently. In either case, EF coaching aims to cultivate study skills based on your student’s particular goals and existing skill set.

  • Students should ideally start executive functioning coaching before they need it. In reality, most of us wait until something dramatic happens to seek help: a call from a teacher, a room in disarray, tons of missing assignments, a failed class. But it’s not too late at that point — there’s a lot an EF coach can do to empower struggling students to right the ship.

    It’s helpful for students to begin coaching at the outset of a school year, as they anticipate challenges ahead (e.g., transition to a new school) and address recent pain points (e.g., a difficult teacher or busy athletic schedule). Starting EF coaching at the start of the school year can help students immediately apply the skills they develop, while beginning a program during a break can leave more freedom to reflect on past experience and develop skills independent of the demands of homework.

  • While grades aren’t the primary focus of executive functioning coaching, they can be an area where students see improvement. EF coaching better prepares students to achieve their goals (which may include raising grades) by giving them the foundational skills to do so. Students can also choose to develop other aspects of their academic skill set, such as learning to communicate better with teachers or finding a more sustainable work rhythm.

    For students already earning excellent grades, EF coaching can help facilitate a healthier balance of work and rest or help them achieve peak performance, anticipating the heavier workload involved in AP, IB, or college-level courses.

  • Hourly 1:1 study skills & EF coaching starts at $165/session. Read more about pricing and packages.

Looking for an expert study skills coach?