Preparing for the Digital SAT: Essential Tools and Resources

The SAT is on the verge of a major transformation as it embraces a digital format. This shift is set to shake up the way students approach the test, reinforcing the importance of using the most effective resources available when preparing for the SAT.

In today's digital age, where technology plays a pivotal role in education, we want to help you understand how to leverage the right tools to find success on the digital SAT.

Online Practice Tests

Online practice tests play a vital role in digital SAT preparation. By providing a simulation of the test experience, these practice tests allow students to become familiar with the test content, digital interface, and onscreen features that they will encounter on test day.

The College Board’s Bluebook testing app offers a wide range of online practice tools that closely resemble the real exam, including full-length practice tests, sample questions, and detailed answer explanations (Bluebook is also the app that students will use to take the SAT on test day). In addition, the College Board offers a tool called Skills Insight, which allows students to see what kind of skills and knowledge are typically required at particular section score ranges. And if you’re looking for even more practice, the College Board also has four linear (non-adaptive) practice tests available to download.

Another option to consider is a third-party digital practice platform. These can be a great way to get extra online practice tests once you’ve worked through the official materials. At North Avenue, we use a digital practice platform to make sure our students are getting as much exposure to testing material as possible. When considering a third-party platform, it’s critical to make sure that their questions model the complexity and difficulty of real SAT questions and that they are section-level adaptable, just like the real digital SAT.

Utilizing these SAT practice materials can significantly enhance students' readiness and confidence as they approach the digital SAT. We recommend practice tests not only so students can get a chance to see what the test will look like, but also so that they can set baseline scores. This can help with tracking score improvement, building time management skills, and implementing other test-taking strategies as students progress through their SAT preparation.

Embedded and Onscreen Tools

Unlike the paper version, the digital SAT will include tools embedded within the testing app. These tools range from the simple (a highlighter) to the complex (an in-app graphing calculator), so familiarizing yourself with all of the options will help ensure a smoother experience on test day.

The best way to get to know these tools is with hands-on practice, which is best accomplished by using the Bluebook app or a third-party testing platform. Here are the most important tools and the best ways to use them:

  • Answer Eliminator

    • This is your best option for crossing out answer options you know are wrong. Eliminating incorrect answers helps you focus on the ones that are most likely to be correct, while also helping you cut down on options if you need to guess. This tool can be used with your mouse or with a keyboard shortcut.

  • Mark for Review

    • This tool will flag a question so you can return to it later. This is particularly useful if you’re not sure how to answer a question but you want to keep moving through the rest of the section. Mark for Review will make sure you don’t get lost!

  • Annotation Tool

    • This tool allows you to highlight a section of text and leave a note for yourself. This is a powerful way to organize your thoughts, condense information into something simpler, and to remind yourself of where you left off if you need to move past a question.

  • Desmos Calculator (Math only)

    • The digital SAT will have a built-in calculator that you can use at any time during the Math section. While it’s quite intuitive (especially if you have previous experience with graphing calculators), we recommend that you spend some time getting familiar with all of its features and functions. Students can also bring their own calculator.

  • Reference Sheet (Math only)

    • This was a feature on the paper SAT, but it’s been upgraded for the digital version! You can now access a sheet with useful formulas and equations with the click of a button from any of the questions on the Math section.

  • Countdown Timer

    • While this might seem simple, this is an invaluable tool for keeping track of your remaining time. You won’t be starting your test at the exact same time as everyone else, so having a personalized countdown is a critical method for staying on top of things. It will start counting down automatically and it will even give you a five minute warning!

Online Self-Study Resources

Free, online resources can provide structured SAT study material designed by experts in the field. These resources often include comprehensive content review, test-taking strategies, and practice questions, offering a well-rounded approach to SAT preparation. 

Khan Academy, for instance, is widely recognized for its quality SAT preparation resources, offering students access to study material that can greatly enhance their SAT readiness and performance. We recommend that you connect your Khan Academy profile to your College Board account - this lets Khan Academy use your previous PSAT or SAT scores to curate personalized problems and tutorials. This can be done while setting up your Khan Academy account.

Other free options, like SAT-focused Reddit boards and your local library, can sometimes offer helpful information, though using them to find what you need can often require an outsized effort. 

Because free resources like these require so much discipline and self-regulation, we recommend that most students use these resources merely as a supplement to their studies. If you think you would benefit from some external structure and accountability, partnering with a North Avenue tutor would be a great way to learn how to use free, online resources alongside a more organized curriculum. 

One-to-One Tutoring 

Online and in-person SAT tutoring offer significant advantages for personalized SAT preparation. One of the key benefits is the opportunity for one-to-one guidance and tailored instruction. Students can work closely with an experienced tutor to customize the learning experience to their specific needs, strengths, and areas for improvement. Both our online and our in-person tutoring will feature the digital materials and tools outlined above, ensuring that students are familiar with the format they’ll encounter on test day. 

This personalized approach allows for targeted instruction and focused practice, maximizing the effectiveness of the study sessions. At North Avenue, we offer one-on-one SAT tutoring as well as small group classes for the SAT and PSAT. We encourage you to consider both options and find the one that works best for you! Of the tools and resources we’ve laid out so far, we strongly believe that tutoring is the most effective course of action. 


Understanding the available tools and resources for SAT preparation is of utmost importance as the rollout of the digital PSAT and SAT approaches. These resources offer convenience, interactivity, and access to a wealth of study materials that can significantly enhance a student's preparation journey.

By exploring and utilizing the suggested digital tools and resources, students can optimize their study efforts and increase their chances of success on the SAT. However, it is crucial to remember the need for a balanced study plan that incorporates a variety of resources and strategies. Don’t just stick to one tool - find a combination of resources that works best for your needs. 

If you’d like help making a plan to tackle the digital SAT, you can schedule a free consultation with our Engagement team. We’ll make sure you have the right tools to help your child succeed in this rapidly changing testing environment.


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