North Avenue Education
News, Insights, & Study Tips

Tutor Spotlight Engagement Team Tutor Spotlight Engagement Team

Tutor Spotlight: Lee Ngo

Lee Ngo is a native Oregonian with a dynamic background spanning academia, technology, and media. As a lifelong learner, Lee is dedicated to projects that uplift historically excluded communities. His relatable approach integrates practical skills with pop culture.

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Tutor Spotlight North Avenue Education . Tutor Spotlight North Avenue Education .

Tutor Spotlight: Aidan Sigman

Meet Aidan. A seasoned SAT and ACT strategist with a perfect GRE score, Aidan's approach is both systematic and flexible, adapting to the individual needs of his students, whether crafting comprehensive curricula or providing targeted tutoring that transcends traditional methods.

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AP & IB Exams North Avenue Education . AP & IB Exams North Avenue Education .

All About AP Precalculus

AP Precalculus offers a path to college math credit and prepares you for rigorous calculus courses. We’ll talk prep strategies and resources so you know how to approach this challenging yet rewarding course effectively.

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Tutor Spotlight North Avenue Education . Tutor Spotlight North Avenue Education .

Tutor Spotlight: Jameson Boslough

Meet Jameson. Jameson is a versatile and experienced educator, having coached both kindergarteners on skis and environmental science majors on the Missouri River. His work with diverse learners enables him to tailor his approach to each student’s needs and aspirations. Jameson’s goal is to kindle the sparks of motivation that drive success, improve thinking, and cultivate a passion for learning.

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College Test Prep North Avenue Education . College Test Prep North Avenue Education .

Test Scores are Helpful for More than Just Merit Aid

In an era when many colleges have shifted to test-blind or test-optional admissions policies, you may associate test scores merely with securing merit aid or scholarships. However, their significance extends far beyond financial assistance. In fact, because test scores remain powerful indicators of a student's academic potential, raising your SAT or ACT scores makes you a more viable applicant for admission, thus opening doors to a world of educational opportunities.

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College Test Prep North Avenue Education . College Test Prep North Avenue Education .

Understanding the Digital PSAT: Everything High School Sophomores and Juniors Should Know

Now more than ever, the PSAT plays a crucial role in preparing high schoolers for the SAT. As both tests transition to a digital format this fall and next spring, it's important for students to get an overview of the digital PSAT's nuances to prepare effectively for it as well as future standardized tests.

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Graduate Admissions North Avenue Education . Graduate Admissions North Avenue Education .

News Flash: GRE is Changing!

Just weeks after GMAC unveiled its GMAT Focus Edition – a new version of the GMAT to be launched this fall that will clock in at an hour shorter than the current exam – ETS, the makers of the GRE, have announced a shortened version of the GRE.

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Study Skills North Avenue Education . Study Skills North Avenue Education .

How to Balance Studying, Work, & Self-Care During Finals Week

You’ve made it to college! The orientation is complete, the first semester is wrapping up and the weeks are inching closer and closer towards finals week. Suddenly, you have multiple exams (some on the same day) and you are in multi-hour-long study sessions. You are tired, hungry, exhausted and stressed – and there is laundry to do, a room to clean, and a shift at work to show up to. How do you do it all without burning out? 

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Tutor Spotlight North Avenue Education . Tutor Spotlight North Avenue Education .

6 Characteristics of an Excellent Tutor to Help You Succeed

Finding the right tutor is no easy task. While it might be tempting to choose the first one you see on the internet, or perhaps the one with the lowest rates, there’s no guarantee that the tutor you find will have the knowledge, attitude, and organizational skills needed to help you succeed. Making the wrong decision can lead to disappointment and a lot of wasted time. At North Avenue Education, we’re taking the guesswork out of the process by compiling a list of the most important factors in selecting a tutor.

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