North Avenue Education
News, Insights, & Study Tips
Top Ten Tips for Time Management During Standardized Tests
Learn how to tackle the unique challenge of time pressure on standardized tests. Discover strategies to improve your pacing and maximize your performance under the clock.
Tutor Spotlight: Lee Ngo
Lee Ngo is a native Oregonian with a dynamic background spanning academia, technology, and media. As a lifelong learner, Lee is dedicated to projects that uplift historically excluded communities. His relatable approach integrates practical skills with pop culture.
How to Prepare for the AP English Language & Composition FRQs
Learn how to analyze AP English Language & Composition prompts and ace your essays with confidence. Prepare effectively and boost your exam performance now.
To Compete with SAT, ACT Trials Shorter, Digitized Test in June
In the competitive world of standardized testing, staying ahead means adapting to change. This year, both SAT and ACT embrace shorter as better.
The 8 Best AP Calculus Exam Tips and Strategies
From mastering key concepts to solving complex problems, our expert advice will boost your confidence and maximize your AP Calculus exam score.
5 Tips to Answering AP Chemistry Free Response Questions
Dive into effective strategies for understanding scoring, crafting concise explanations, managing time wisely, methodically approaching questions, and decoding common task verbs. Perfect for students aiming to enhance their test-taking skills and boost their scores.
Tutor Spotlight: Aidan Sigman
Meet Aidan. A seasoned SAT and ACT strategist with a perfect GRE score, Aidan's approach is both systematic and flexible, adapting to the individual needs of his students, whether crafting comprehensive curricula or providing targeted tutoring that transcends traditional methods.
All About AP Precalculus
AP Precalculus offers a path to college math credit and prepares you for rigorous calculus courses. We’ll talk prep strategies and resources so you know how to approach this challenging yet rewarding course effectively.
5 Benefits of 1-on-1 Tutoring for Academic Performance
Learn how you can enhance your understanding, develop better study habits, and achieve academic success through the attention, guidance, and personalization offered by 1-on-1 tutoring.
Strategies to Tackle Exam Anxiety to Stay Calm and Focused
Conquer exam anxiety and gain insights for a stress-free approach to exams and academic success with these proven tips.
6 Tips to Get the Most Out of Teacher-Parent Conferences
Learn how to effectively communicate with teachers, gain valuable insights into your child's progress, and establish a strong partnership for academic success.
How to Maximize the Use of Onscreen Tools on the Digital SAT
The December SAT marks the end of an era. This will be the final iteration of the paper-based SAT, as the test shifts to an entirely digital format in March 2024.
Tutor Spotlight: Jameson Boslough
Meet Jameson. Jameson is a versatile and experienced educator, having coached both kindergarteners on skis and environmental science majors on the Missouri River. His work with diverse learners enables him to tailor his approach to each student’s needs and aspirations. Jameson’s goal is to kindle the sparks of motivation that drive success, improve thinking, and cultivate a passion for learning.
Test Scores are Helpful for More than Just Merit Aid
In an era when many colleges have shifted to test-blind or test-optional admissions policies, you may associate test scores merely with securing merit aid or scholarships. However, their significance extends far beyond financial assistance. In fact, because test scores remain powerful indicators of a student's academic potential, raising your SAT or ACT scores makes you a more viable applicant for admission, thus opening doors to a world of educational opportunities.
10 Tips for Boosting Academic Wellbeing & Mental Health
Mental health is the engine that drives your focus, effort, and energy. Without practices and habits to promote mental health, you become overwhelmed by the stressors of school and other commitments, eventually burning out.
How to Write a “Why Us?” Admissions Essay
August is upon us! For many high school seniors, that means one thing – college application season. Like most things about senior year, the college application process challenges you to look forward and backward simultaneously.
How to Study More Efficiently & Effectively
You may be pleased to learn that there are research-based strategies for studying for exams. When implemented, these study strategies will yield better results and ensure your time investment in studying is more effective and efficient.
Preparing for the Digital SAT: Essential Tools and Resources
The SAT is on the verge of a major transformation as it embraces a digital format. This shift is set to shake up the way students approach the test, reinforcing the importance of using the most effective resources available when preparing for the SAT.
Understanding the Digital PSAT: Everything High School Sophomores and Juniors Should Know
Now more than ever, the PSAT plays a crucial role in preparing high schoolers for the SAT. As both tests transition to a digital format this fall and next spring, it's important for students to get an overview of the digital PSAT's nuances to prepare effectively for it as well as future standardized tests.
News Flash: GRE is Changing!
Just weeks after GMAC unveiled its GMAT Focus Edition – a new version of the GMAT to be launched this fall that will clock in at an hour shorter than the current exam – ETS, the makers of the GRE, have announced a shortened version of the GRE.
Use These 10 Test Taking Strategies to Conquer Your AP Exams
We have all the tips you need to handle test day and the season leading up to it, to ensure each AP test goes as smoothly as possible. The tips mentioned here are not just useful for the AP exam, but they all apply as excellent tips and skills to utilize in college courses as well!
ACT Plans to Expand Online Testing in US
After an initial pilot in December, ACT hopes to offer its exam in a computer-based format alongside paper-and-pencil in more testing centers across the US into 2024.
How to Balance Studying, Work, & Self-Care During Finals Week
You’ve made it to college! The orientation is complete, the first semester is wrapping up and the weeks are inching closer and closer towards finals week. Suddenly, you have multiple exams (some on the same day) and you are in multi-hour-long study sessions. You are tired, hungry, exhausted and stressed – and there is laundry to do, a room to clean, and a shift at work to show up to. How do you do it all without burning out?
6 Characteristics of an Excellent Tutor to Help You Succeed
Finding the right tutor is no easy task. While it might be tempting to choose the first one you see on the internet, or perhaps the one with the lowest rates, there’s no guarantee that the tutor you find will have the knowledge, attitude, and organizational skills needed to help you succeed. Making the wrong decision can lead to disappointment and a lot of wasted time. At North Avenue Education, we’re taking the guesswork out of the process by compiling a list of the most important factors in selecting a tutor.