Dani Goldstein

BS, Davidson College

Dani harnesses their passion for puzzles and focused learning in their role as a versatile tutor. With a robust academic background and diverse teaching experiences (incl. a stint in China), Dani brings a wealth of knowledge and adaptable teaching strategies to their students. And as an AP Scholar with Distinction, they excel in higher-level coursework, leveraging their expertise to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for mathematical challenges.

Dani’s Study Tip: "Begin every study session or exam hydrated, rested, and well-fed to optimize your performance. A walk in nature, a good night's sleep, and staying hydrated can remarkably boost your focus and energy levels."

Scott Clyburn

Founder & Director

BA, University of Virginia

MA, Yale University

Originally from Houston, Texas, Scott has taught in both secondary and higher education and has been tutoring professionally since 2005. He sees tutoring as an opportunity for any student to become a better learner. Scott specializes in coaching students with LD and is motivated by seeing his students transform their potential into action.


Daniel Wallace


David Harris